Printable Dinosaur Bingo Game Cards

If you’re planning a dinosaur themed party or just need a fun rainy day activity then these free Printable Dinosaur Bingo Game Cards are just the thing for you! Perfect for those who love these prehistoric creatures and fun activities.

This dinosaur bingo game is the perfect activity for encouraging learning to happen through play. Now that teaching through play is thought to be such an important part of early child development, you can help encourage this at home too!

This activity can improve your kid’s focus, improve their memory recognition skills, and of course help teach them about dinosaurs. Even better, it all comes in a fun and colourful package with vibrant images that kids are sure to find engaging. Plus the more they pay attention, the more they are likely to win!

The resources are easy to print and simple to play – we explain both below so keep on reading!

Our Dinosaur Bingo Game Cards Include:

This download includes two different types of cards. There are 9 regular playing cards for those participating in the bingo game. And then there is 1 caller card, for the person leading.

Click the download button to download all the cards in a convenient PDF format. Once the file is downloaded, you can save it for later or print it right away. This includes the caller card and as many regular playing cards as you need, making it easy to start playing immediately.

Bingo Caller Card

9 Bingo Playing Cards

How Does the Classic Bingo Game Work?

  • Print out as many regular playing cards as you need (or the whole set to have them all to hand) and two prints of the caller card.
  • Cut one of the caller cards up and use it for the callout images to show to kids when you have picked it. Then you can put them on the other caller card when you have done so.
  • Each kid playing should be given a different regular playing card, and the person in charge should have the caller cards.
  • There are multiple different ways you could ‘pick’ the callout images – the simplest is to put them in a big bowl and pick them out at random, like classic bingo is played.
  • When the image is picked it should be shown to all participants so that if it is shown on their board they’re able to mark it off. (if you want the regular playing cards to be reusable simply laminate them and use whiteboard pens that can be easily erased).
  • The first person who is able to mark off a whole row wins!

There are other methods you could use to pick the callout image, and some playing ideas you can read about below.

Ways to Have Fun with this Bingo Game

something about how does bingo work? and then fun ideas of how to play it / get involved?

The instructions for how to play bingo with these Printable Dinosaur Bingo Game Cards are above. This activity would be great for a number of different occasions. It would be fantastic played with multiple kids at a party – whether it’s dinosaur themed or not. Even as a classroom activity for golden time or a whole-class game would be great. It’s interactive, colourful, and competitive so would likely be a big hit in both places.

An alternative to simply picking the cards randomly from a bowl would be to play scavenger hunt style. Hide lots of the callout images (including duplicates) around a room, classroom, or a whole house and kids must find them! Whenever they find one they bring it to whoever is in charge and then they can mark it off on their playing card. This is not only great exercise that gets kids moving about, but will be great competitive fun that kids are sure to love.

For the next options what you’ll need to do is (either by yourself or with your kids) figure out which dinosaurs are on the calling card and give them all unique names (if you think they’re the same label them by the different colours). As well as this, you can also research a fun fact about each one.

This means that instead of just showing the calling card to those playing, you can read out the name and the fun fact about the dinosaur. This is especially useful for those who don’t know much about dinosaurs but really want to learn, or for especially little ones who you’re looking to teach and give extra support to.

Alternatively, instead of reading out the name and showing the card you could just read out the fun fact about the dinosaur you pick. So kids have to figure out which dinosaur it is you are talking about and confirm it with you before they can mark it off on their own sheet.

You could also really have fun with these names and facts. When you call out the dinosaur name you could get kids to imitate them in some way before they’re able to mark it off on their own sheet – for example they must stomp around and bite ferociously like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, or they must plod along slowly eating plants like a Brachiosaurus. This will work to improve their confidence as they have to act out silly scenarios, as well as likely causing a lot of giggles!

Or you could make it a task that whoever completes their row of dinosaurs first and wins must take the names of each of these dinosaurs and make a fun story or act out something containing all of them. If they’re shy they can bring up others to help.

There’s so much you could do with these Printable Dinosaur Bingo Game Cards, and they can have such useful benefits for your kids in terms of learning about dinosaurs, building their confidence, and improving their memory. So get started today and have lots of fun with this resource!

Other Fun Printables

If your kids love fun games and learning about dinosaurs then you’re in the right place and we’re happy to help you find more activities!

For a fun game filled with more colourful dinosaurs then check out our Dinosaur i-Spy Game where kids must find different fun colourful dinosaurs. Perfect for your curious little ones!

Or for more brain training in a fun activity, you should check out these Printable Dinosaur Word Search Puzzles.

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