Printable Dinosaur Mask Templates

Let me hear you roar, kids! And grown-ups too! If you want some dino fun give me your loudest roar, ready? 1, 2, 3, ‘‘ROAR!” Woah what great roarers you all are. Hey, are you looking for a dino costume mask for World Book Day? Or having a dino themed party? Or maybe you’re in search of some roar-some prehistoric fun for the holidays, or maybe you just love dinosaurs? Then you’re in the right place!

Here at Remember Dinosaurs we have an amazing collection of 20 printable dinosaur mask templates that will bring your dino adventures to life. Choose from 4 ferocious T-Rexes, or pick from a range of 16 other prehistoric dinos. There’s something for all little dino lovers. Simply pick which one you want by clicking on the image to download the pdf, then get ready to roar.

Our Printable Dinosaur Mask Templates Contains:

20 roar-some printable masks. Each one comes in a pdf file format, with one per page. To download just click on the dinosaur image of your choice and the pdf will open, it’s as simple as that.

4 Printable T-Rex Mask Templates

You can choose from 4 hungry, sharp toothed T-Rexes. Pick from colourful aqua, orange or green to unlock some roar-some fun!

16 Mixed Dinosaur Mask Templates

Or you can choose from a range of 16 colourful blues, greens, turquoise, orange, or aqua dinos, in a range of expressions. These masks are sure to bring some sharp toothed prehistoric adventures.

How to use our Printable Dinosaur Mask.

What you will need:

  • Paper, or card that you can print on.
  • Elastic or string.
  • Computer and a printer.
  • A pair of scissors.

(Always ask an adult for help with sharp objects such as scissors. Also make sure you have an adults permission to use the computer and printer).

Got all the above? Then you are good to go on your prehistoric adventure!

To select a mask simply look through the dino images and click on which one you like. When you click on the image a pdf download will then open, or you can find the download in your files. Once open, you can then print off the mask onto A4 paper or card, you may need an adults help and permission with the printing. Then, also with an adults help carefully cut out the mask, don’t forget the holes for those beady dino eyes! Next, grab some elastic or string and attach it to each side of the mask to make it stay on your head. You can do this by making a small hole at each side of the mask, then loop through the elastic or string whichever you have chosen, and fasten into a knot.

Have Fun with our Dinosaur Masks

Let the dino adventures begin! Some ideas of how they can be used can include:

Dinosaur birthday themed parties, World Book Day costumes, story telling, some prehistoric fun for the holidays, or even for a project or hobby. Are you a dino collector? Can you collect them all and name them too? If you’ve already collected them all, can you make a mask matching game? Or maybe you could have a dino dance party or fashion show. There are endless possibilities of fun to be had with our masks.

Check out our other Fun Printables

Here at did you know we also have an amazing range of other fun printables too? Why not check them out? They can be found below.

Dinosaur word searches

These prehistoric printables have many dinos to be found among them, but they aren’t fossils, they’re real. Can you find a real life Velociraptor? Or the Megalosaurus? Or maybe a Diplodocus? Venture out on this word search expedition to see what you can find. Try not to become dino food though! Maybe you could even have your friends over and have a prehistoric word search championship!

dinosaur word searches

Psst, parents, did you know that word searches are a great way for helping to make your kids learning fun? They can help with spelling, increasing their vocabulary, problem solving, developing attention to detail and motor skills too. As well as reading and memorising words in a way that kids enjoy. When your little one completes fun learning in this way it also helps to build their confidence and self-esteem, what could be better than that?!

Dinosaur I-spy

Fancy a game of prehistoric I-spy? Then look no further than this cute and colourful design of I-spy.
It comes with 6 tick boxes to check off as you find each roar-some dino. Can you search and spy each one out with your little eye? Take it in turns with your friends and family, or set a timer and see how fast you can find them all. Go and grab your pencil crayons and let’s get looking out for those dinos!

Hey parents, did you know that playing I-spy can help with your little one’s cognitive development? Playing this fun game of I-spy can also help strengthen working memory, develop their language and listening skills, sorting and grouping skills, observation skills, and more. Not only that, as I-spy is a taking it in turns game, it can also help to develop your child’s social skills too.

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