Facts About Giganotosaurus
While its name may not be the most recognisable, the Giganotosaurus was a beast of its time, dominating the late Cretaceous period. Its name kind of sounds like “giantsaurus”, which isn’t far off! It’s no surprise that people may not recognise the Giganotosaurus, especially with such a silly name, but we have lots of cool facts to prove that it was just as interesting as famous dinos like the T. Rex . In fact, it may even have been more unique!

What did the Giganotosaurus look like?
From its name alone we’re sure you can guess it was a pretty fearsome creature, but did you know that it was one of the biggest dinosaurs ever? Its name was very appropriate, especially as it pretty much was a big lizard. While some dinosaurs like velociraptors might have had feathers, the Giganotosaurus was covered in scaly skin like other big dinosaurs. Although we can still only guess exactly what the Giganotosaurus might have looked like, check out the examples below!
As you can see, the Giganotosaurus had a massive head that matched its body, with rows of sharp teeth to cut up its food. It also had a long and muscular tail to help it balance its body. Although lots of dinosaurs used their tails for balance, most were thinner and bonier, sometimes used as a whip against predators! As such, it’s quite unique that the Giganotosaurus’s tail is so thick and powerful.
The Giganotosaurus also had strong, sturdy legs that were built for running and could support its big body. Did you notice how tiny their arms are in comparison? It certainly looks a little funny, but their front limbs were still quite strong! It’s likely they used their arms to grab or hold onto food.

As the exact appearance of dinosaurs remains uncertain, the images above are provided for illustrative purposes only and have been generated using AI technology.
How big was the Giganotosaurus?
The most obvious aspect of the Giganotosaurus is its size, considering part of its name literally means “giant”. It could grow up to 40 feet long and 12 feet tall, which is like having a giraffe as long as a bus! It would have been quite a bit chunkier though, weighing the same as four whole elephants combined, which is about 8 tons. That’s pretty heavy, but it’s actually quite light compared to other dinosaurs! Still, its weight and might were perfect for dominating other dinosaurs, with its hefty tail helping them balance and run fast.

What did the Giganotosaurus eat?
The Giganotosaurus was one of the biggest carnivores ever to exist. It primarily survived on smaller dinosaurs, most likely picking on small herbivores like the Iguanadon . Herbivores were often less equipped to fight back, and much slower. However, with incredibly sharp, serrated teeth and a powerful jaw, the Giganotosaurus could have easily picked off any smaller dinosaur.
It’s also likely that the Giganotosaurus hunted in packs, making it even more dangerous to encounter in the wild. They might have even been clever enough to strategize, working together to trap prey. Although its arms were small, its strong muscles and sharp claws would have made it easy to grab onto other dinosaurs. It was also pretty agile despite its size and could run up to 30 miles an hour. It might not sound that quick, but that was fast for most dinosaurs and certainly impressive considering the Giganotosaurus could run as fast as a car!
Where did the Giganotosaurus live?
The Giganotosaurus lived around 98 million years ago during the late Cretaceous period in what is now south America—particularly in an area called Patagonia. The Earth was much warmer at this time and was covered in plains, forests, and rivers. Since herbivores had plenty of plants to eat, carnivores like the Giganotosaurus had plenty of herbivores to hunt! It had lots of space to run, and its height would have helped it see prey from afar.

What killed the Giganotosaurus?
The Giganotosaurus went extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period, likely due to massive climate changes. It’s believed that an asteroid hit the Earth, causing fires and tsunamis along with drastic changes in temperature. This is usually the mass extinction event attributed to the end of all dinosaurs, especially as it also marked the end of plant life. With the environmental catastrophes and changes in temperature, plants struggled to grow and herbivores wouldn’t have been able to find food.
Carnivores like the Giganotosaurus would then have no herbivores to hunt, though it’s unlikely they could adapt to the new atmosphere. Even if they survived the events, they would have struggled to find food and likely couldn’t adapt to new temperatures before they would change again.
Fun facts about the Giganotosaurus
- Its name comes from Greek, meaning “Giant Southern Lizard” since they lived in South America and kind of looked like big lizards!
- The Giganotosaurus’s teeth were about six inches long, which is like having teeth as long as a pencil.
- Some scientists think they hunted similarly to a pack of wolves, working together to catch their prey to share.
- Along with being a clever hunter, the Giganotosaurus had great eyesight and a strong sense of smell. That means it could not only see prey from afar but easily smell it too!
- Although some dinosaurs might have had feathers, the Giganotosaurus had big scales like a crocodile does.
Closing Summary:
Despite its funny name, the Giganotosaurus was a fearsome predator on par with mighty carnivores like the T. Rex. Having lived before the T. Rex, you could even say the Giganotosaurus was the king of its time like the T. Rex was the king of the Jurassic period! With its razor-sharp teeth and quick speed, few dinosaurs would have stood a match against the Giganotosaurus, much less a whole pack of them.
Now that you know more about one of the beasts of the Cretaceous period, get learning on the rest! There’s plenty to explore in the dinosaur world and lots more to learn and discover. One day, maybe you’ll make new discoveries too, finding dinosaur bones or studying what dinosaurs might have looked like! We’ve also got plenty of activities to get your imagination going. What do you think a T. Rex and Giganotosaurus fight would look like? Who would win?
Giganotosaurus Question & Answer Sheet
Take the Giganotosaurus quiz to test your knowledge about this incredible dinosaur! After learning about its massive size, sharp teeth, and hunting skills, see how well you remember the details with these fun questions.
The answer sheet is also included, so you can check your answers and learn more! This quiz is a great way to engage with the information and challenge your friends to see who knows the most about this fearsome prehistoric predator. Perfect for dinosaur fans and curious learners alike!