Facts About Pteranodon

When we think about dinosaurs, we often picture strong, tall land dinosaurs like the T. Rex or Brontosaurus. The Pteranodon is one of the few dinosaurs that could fly! Existing long before birds, flying dinosaurs ruled the sky, including the Pteranodon. We’ll talk about lots of fun Pteranodon facts, including how big their wings were and what they ate! Read on to become a master of the Pteranodon, or check out our other articles to become a pro on all kinds of dinosaurs!

Facts About Pteranodon

What did the Pteranodon look like?

The Pteranodon had a unique appearance and technically isn’t considered a dinosaur, but a pterosaur. A pterosaur refers to a flying reptile with wings, making the Pteranodon quite unique compared to what we’d usually consider dinosaurs. What was even more unique about the Pteranodon was its massive wingspan. Check out an examples below!

Look at how enormous its wings were! Despite this, its body was very small and light, allowing it to carry itself through the sky with ease. Its wings were like a bat’s: long, thin and slender to carry its light body far. You might also have noticed its beak! The Pteranodon didn’t have teeth, instead using its long beak to swoop down and pick up food. It also had a crest on its head – the long part above its eyes.

Scientists still aren’t completely sure what this crest was for, but as it curves backwards like the sail on a ship, it may have been used to help balance them while flying. Some scientists believe it could also have been to attract mates or show off to other Pteranodon, particularly as its crest was quite big!

pteranodon pictures for kids
pictures of a pteranodon
Facts About Pteranodon
As the exact appearance of dinosaurs remains uncertain, the images above are provided for illustrative purposes only and have been generated using AI technology.

How big was the Pteranodon?

While they could vary in size, they were still considered massive in the pterosaur world and one of the largest flying reptiles we know of. The wingspan of a Pteranodon could grow up to 30 feet, the same as a small plane. Can you imagine a dinosaur the size of an aircraft flying through the sky?

With its light weight, its body was only about 10 feet, or as long as a big car. It’s pretty impressive, considering how much bigger its wings were than its body! Its beak could range from 1 to 3 feet long, while its crest could stretch up to 2 feet or more. While its wings are still the star of the show, the Pteranodon was overall a very impressive creature.

pteranodon size comparison

What did the Pteranodon eat?

What do you think the Pteranodon used its beak to eat? Similar to modern-day birds, the Pteranodon ate fish! It would use its long beak to swoop down and scoop fish out of the water below. Since it didn’t have teeth, its smooth beak would have easily been able to grab and hold onto slippery fish. Theoretically, the Pteranodon might have never needed to be on land since it could eat and fly! Scientists also believe the Pteranodon was a scavenger, feeding on the bodies of dead sea creatures that had floated to the surface.

Where did the Pteranodon live?

The Pteranodon lived about 70 to 100 million years ago in the Cretaceous period. Unlike other dinosaurs, the Pteranodon likely lived near the coasts of oceans and other bodies of water so that it could easily find food. Its fossils have been found in what we now call Kansas, Alabama, and South Dakota, meaning they lived in North America!

Pteranodons likely travelled in groups, living in the skies rather than on land. Although they aren’t technically considered dinosaurs, they lived alongside land dinosaurs like the Triceratops (link article), ruling the skies. While there were other flying reptiles, the Pteranodon likely dominated with its enormous wingspan and group habits. It may have even eaten other, smaller flying creatures.

where did pteranodons live

What killed the Pteranodon?

Unfortunately, like most other prehistoric creatures, the Pteranodon went extinct about 66 million years ago. This was the end of the Cretaceous period and the end of the dinosaurs, as a meteor hit the Earth and caused a mass extinction event. Although the meteor hit likely didn’t kill the dinosaurs, its drastic effects on the planet and its climate would have made it a harsh environment to survive.

The meteor caused the temperatures to change dramatically and caused extreme weather like wildfires and tsunamis. Dust clouds were also formed, blocking the sun and making survival impossible. Even if the Pteranodon could fly through dust-filled skies, it likely would have struggled to find food. The extreme climate changes caused many smaller animals to die, as well as bigger ones like the T. Rex , and changing temperatures in the ocean would likely have killed many sea creatures.

Fun Pteranodon Facts

  • The Pteranodon was a very impressive flyer and could glide for long distances without flapping their wings.
  • It had a very long neck, likely to help it reach out to swoop animals from the ocean.
  • The Pteranodon actually had different species, meaning they had considerable variations in size! Some of them might have been quite small compared to the larger Pteranodons.
  • Pteranodon wasn’t the only pterosaur around! Other pterosaurs lived in the skies at the same time, and some had an even bigger wingspan.
  • Like modern birds, Pteranodons had hollow bones that made their bodies lighter and easier to carry through the air.

Closing Summary:

The Pteranodon was one of the most amazing and unique creatures in the skies, thriving near ancient coastlines. While it’s no longer around today, its similarities to other modern creatures make it even more fascinating. There’s so much to learn, not just about the Pteranodon but other dinosaurs too! Or other pterosaurs if you’re being picky.

Keep exploring our website to find lots of cool facts about dinosaurs and become an expert in the dinosaur world. Who knows, maybe one day you might be a famous scientist or palaeontologist too! With plenty of fossils to find and explore, there’s always room for more dino pros like you. You can also check out our activities if you’re looking to get creative and make your own Pteranodon!

Pteranodon Questions & Answers Quiz

Now that you’ve learned all about the incredible Pteranodon, it’s time to put your knowledge to the test! Hope you can remember all the fun facts above, because we’ve created a set of 10 questions based on everything you’ve just read. Perfect for kids who love dinosaurs, these questions will challenge your memory and help you learn even more about this amazing flying reptile.

Download the questions below and see how many you can answer! It’s a great way to review what you’ve learned and have fun at the same time. Don’t forget to share your answers with your friends and family—let’s see who’s the Pteranodon expert!

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